May: Anatomy of the Spirit

In May we ventured into the realms of spiritual wellness with Anatomy of the Spirit by Caroline Myss. 

We studied the body energy centers (or chakras) that influence our physical and emotional well-being. The more we learn about how these energetic centers affect our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellness, the more empowered we are to take responsibility over our choices in our lives. These choices are what shape our present reality and destiny. The magic is we are truly in the driver's seat and there is always a choice. We may not want to look at the alternative choice as the truth is we are afraid of what that means we must change in our life realistically. 

We explored the connectedness between the mind and body. Our thoughts, emotions and actions have a biochemical reaction in our body eliciting to us that, indeed, the stories we tell ourselves do indeed become apparent in our cellular structures. 

When we take the driver's seat of our life and health we have opportunity to shift into the unknown with enthusiasm. I love the quote that says, “Looking at the future from a standpoint of fear versus excitement is one energy shift away.”

Moving through understanding these physical body energetic centers and how they symbolically show up in our life, we explored the significance of writing and keeping an honor code within ourselves. We walked away from the discussion looking at the vows we either have written or want to write for ourselves. One of the deepest messages from this book is the relationship of love we must first have with ourselves before we can move out into the world and be in harmony and relationship with others. My brother always says to me, “Kara, it’s when a human moves from a relationship with themselves as one of use, to one of love, that one truly awakens.”

Caroline Myss studies the seven sacred truths, the seven sacraments in Christianity and parallels this across various spiritual traditions, specifically calling in the tree of life through the study of Kabbalah every step of the way. 

Before our final departure this month, we touched on the act of forgiveness. Myss says, “I am convinced that the reason we take so much time to forgive another person is because it's such a powerful act that our entire life will change as a consequence. So the reason we stay angry is not because we find it hard to forgive, it’s because we want change to happen more slowly.”

Join us in June as we deep-dive into the world of, the life giving essence that is, water. 

Through Dr. Masaru Emoto’s research, we’ll take time to study an element in our physical world to further our understanding and exploration in what it means to be well in this lifetime. 

Be well and be love, 



April: Big Magic! Creative Living Beyond Fear